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Kennedy Woods Prairie/Savanna News


07 Jul 2002 - Many species are blooming now: Wild Bergamot, Gray-Headed Coneflower, Black-Eyed Susan, Woodland Sunflower, Purple Coneflower, Butterfly Weed, Rosinweed, Wild Carrot, Chicory, Wild White Indigo, Tickseed Coreopsis, Pinkweed, Self Heal, Longhead Coneflower, Yellow Crownbeard, White Sweet Clover, Starry Campion, Yarrow, Slender Mountain Mint, and Common Evening Primrose. Bottle Brush grass is also common.

The northwest section of the savanna, between the gravel trail, Skinker Blvd, and the golf course, will be mowed this year to eliminate the ragweed that inavaded that area.

29 Jun 2002 - Some new species observed: Wild White Indigo, Yellow Crownbeard, White Sweet Clover, Starry Campion, Yarrow, Slender Mountain Mint.

13 Jun 2002 - More plants are flowering as we approach the peak season. Black-Eyed Susan, Dayflower, Butterfly Weed, Ohio Horse Mint, Purple(?) Milkweed, Venus's Looking Glass, and Foxglove Beardtongue. There is also some type of morning glory, possibly Hedge Bindweed.

27 May 2002 - Some of the early bloomers are beginning to flower: Tickseed Coreopsis, Common Cinquefoil, Bee Balm (aka Horsemint), Common Spiderwort, Blue Phlox, and Daisy Fleabane(?).

21 Apr 2002 - The savanna is expanded as volunteers plant seedlings and grasses in a new area at the south end of the savanna.

06 Jul 2001 - The native plants are becoming well established in the savanna. There seems to be more native plants than last year, notably Wild Bergamot (bee balm), Gray-Headed Coneflower, and Purple Coneflower, all of which are currently blooming. The Wild Bergamot in particular seems much denser, and up to a foot taller than last year. Other plants blooming include Black-Eyed Susan and Woodland Sunflower. There are a few Tickseed Coreopsis still blooming, but they are mostly done.

12 May 2001 - Bee Balm is blooming, as well as Columbine and Butterfly Weed.

06 Dec 2000 - The savanna is "tucked in" for the winter. It has been mowed down to help eliminate the non-native plant species.

17 Sep 2000 - New England Asters and other asters are near peak bloom. Goldenrod are starting to bloom. Alfalfa butterflies are appearing. A long-headed coneflower plant was found near the golf course.

There is an underground wasp nest in the east-central part of the savanna. Look out!

Tickseed Sunflower (Bidens) are still blooming and are attracting many insects, but are starting to fade. Monarch, Skipper, Cloudless Sulphur, and Buckeye butterflies are still common. There are many dragonflies patrolling the central area. Some Swamp Milkweed pods are opening. Several groups of Milkweed Bug nymphs have been seen on them. Woodland Sunflower are still blooming. A few False Dragonhead are still blooming.

27 Aug 2000 - Extensive updates to the Photo Database. Many more images added. Images are now indexed. Some corrections made to species identifications.

In late August, Nighthawks were observed flying low over the savanna at dusk.

May 1999 - Initial planting.


Created: 30 Jul 2000
Updated: 08 Jul 2002