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Displays and hides the Header Info window for the DEM.

The Header Info window displays meta-data for the DEM, including quadrangle name, size, location, resolution, etc. The "Grid W Edge" and "Grid N Edge" values are the coordinates of the center of the upper left elevation sample. MacDEM uses this as the origin of the DEM.

When this window is visible the Copy command in the Edit menu is available to copy this data to the clipboard.

An example of a Header Info window is shown below.

Info window

Displays and hides the resizable 3D window for the DEM.

The 3D window displays a 3-D wire frame view of the DEM data. The window contains buttons for controlling the point of view as shown below.

3D window

Displays and hides the resizable elevation scale window for the DEM.

The scale window shows the current color palette for the DEM. The vertical bar marks the DEM's range of elevation values.

Scale window